Additional Resources


Below are additional sites with further information Lucumí religion in Cuba. Sites are not affiliated with this project but present useful information for those who are interested in learning more details about the religion.


A continuación se presentan sitios adicionales con más información Lucumí religión en Cuba. Los sitios no están afiliados a este proyecto pero presentan información útil para quienes estén interesados en conocer más detalles sobre la religión.

"An educational website for people interested in learning about the Afro-Cuban religion commonly known as Santería."

"Defending our heritage by safeguarding our legacy"

Article: "Materializations of oricha voice through divinations in Cuban Santería"

Written by Kristina Wirtz in Journal de la Société des Américanistes, Vol.104, No.1, 2018.

Article: "The Spiritual Currents of Santería: An Interview with Alisha Beliso-De Jesus"

Written by Will Morningstar for the Harvard Divinity School Bulletin, summer/autumn 2015. An interview with Princeton University Anthropologist, Alisha Beliso-De Jesus about her book, Electric Santería: Racial and Sexual Assemblages of Transnational Religion, (Columbia University Press, 2015.)

Article: All Roads Lead to Yemayá: Transformative Trajectories in the Procession at Regla

Written by Carrie Viarnés for The Hemispheric Institute. No publishing date available.